
Russian romances getting permanent residence in Canada?

In every part of the world, we find a particular genre, which is a signature of that culture, on top of their folk traditions. Spanish flamenco, Argentinian tango, Neapolitan songs, Chanson française, etc… It is impossible to imagine Russia without romances. The name – romanza – obviously came from Europe (Spain, Italy), moreover, in XVIII century they were written by Russian composers in French (!) Yet, thе soul of this music became quintessentially Russian.

With the scope of complexity from the most primitive to the most musically advanced, they became our best friends, our dearest companions and confidants, our emotional support vehicles, expressions of our brightest dreams and our deepest sorrows. Indeed, romances were with us everywhere: in the luxurious musical salons of the nobles, at bohemian gatherings, in prisons and camps, at wars and in time of peace.

Romances pass through the last two hundred years of Russian history and unite all classes, touching equally the hearts of the rich and the poor, happy and miserable, hopeful and desperate. What is the secret of their popularity? Why do they keep returning to us, still conquering the hearts of new generations? How come, having survived the times of proscriptions during the Soviet era, they resurrected and now successfully compete with pop songs on TV, radio and in concert halls? Why in most Russian cities and even in foreign countries, like Canada, people form Fun Clubs of Russian romances?

It seems that now, more than ever, we long for that intimacy, authenticity, simplicity, sincerity that only romances can offer in such a direct, readily available way. They are like an emotional oxygen pillow for us, gasping their fresh air in an informationally polluted environment. They are still able to unite us, opening our hearts towards each other.

The idea of an all-Canadian Club of Russian Romances came to me in 2018, when I received the title of “Ambassador of Russian Romance” at the most prestigious international competition in this genre – “Big Moscow Romansiada”. The Club, named “From Afar” was officially opened in Montreal with a concert celebrating 220 years anniversary of Alexander Pushkin’s birth. Needless to mention, on the poetry of Russia’s national poet there were written the most beautiful and numerous romances.

Romances pass through the last two hundred years of Russian history and unite all classes, touching equally the hearts of rich and poor, happy and miserable, hopeful and desperate.

At the opening, we were lucky to have on stage with us wonderful artists from Russia – members of the choir “Pokrov” under direction of maestro A. Goryachev. Hopefully, bringing interesting concert programs from Russia will become one of the ways to develop our Club.

Membership in the Club is free. Among the privileges, members have discounts for all tickets for Club’s concerts. In addition, they will be informed about all upcoming events and performances. All it takes to become a member is to either subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Now, the road must be travelled: Russian romances shall find their new audiences in Canada and connect enthusiasts from different cities.

I am totally thrilled about the upcoming two evenings of Russian romances and literature in Vancouver, that are planned on March 6th and 7th as the most appropriate way to celebrate International Women’s Day. This celebration is organized by our new friends – Vancouver Art Club “Ad Libitum.

Initially, only one concert was planned, but, to our great delight, it was sold out so quickly, that it was decided to organize an additional performance. There will be three singers in the show (I am one of them), and romances will be intricately woven into an intriguing story. The rehearsals are going non-stop, and we all are working with great inspiration: a new page in the history of our culture is about to be turned open!

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