
Antonina Levina

Antonina Levina – laureate and diplomant of international competitions. In 2018, she was granted the title of “Ambassador of Russian Romance” by “Big Romansiada” competition in Moscow. Graduate of Kamchatka and Voronezh Musical colleges (in Theory and History of Music), in Canada she received a Master’s degree in Molecular Genetics (McGill University, Montreal). However, in 2004, Antonina came back to music as a singer: after receiving her vocal training in Montreal, she perfected her art at Academy of Belcanto de Mirella Freni (Italy) and at Academie Roche d’Hys (France). In 2007, she sang a solo recital at Carnegie Hall (NY). In a collaboration with Canadian musicians, Antonina released an album of romances “Russian Dreams” and an album of Russian Sacred music “My Soul”, with the choir of Odessa Monastery of Iveskaya Icon of God’s Mother.

Work on the one-woman opera of M. Tariverdiev “The Waiting” under the direction of Jeannette Aster (performed in Bourgogne in 2016) inspired Antonina to further explore the genre of one-woman-show. In 2018, she wrote and performed her mono spectacle “I saw a dream about Klavdia Shulzhenko” about the most popular singer of Soviet epoch. She also inspired and worked on the musical shows with actors of Moscow Theatre “Glas”: “A meeting, which never happened” about K. Shulzhenko and I. Dunaevsky and “Cherchez la femme” about Pauline Viardot and I. Tourgenev.

As a musicologist, Antonina directs “Russian Musical Salon” in Montreal, where thematic evenings of Russian Music take place. In 2019 she founded Canadian Club of Russian Romances “From Afar” (Izdaleka)

Antonina’s interpretation of Russian romances comes straight from the heart. Her profound sensitivity and detailed attention to the poetry and literal expression of the text brings to this music an immediacy which absolutely captivates the listener’s imagination.Jeannette Aster (opera director)

«Antonina Levina est non seulement une grande voix, riche en couleurs, bien projetée, homogène, aux amples graves, c'est aussi une grande actrice»Musicologie.org

«...публика по достоинству оценила вокальную технику певицы, филигранное бельканто, ...чистоту тона»«Вечерняя Одесса»

My Insights

My path in music started with a guitar, at hikes and campfires in Russia’s Far East – Kamchatka peninsula. At age 12, I started to write my own songs on the poetry of my father Yefim Levin. Later I went to receive a classical musical education, and those songs were forgotten by me for 30 years! Recently I rediscovered creations of my youth and decided to share them with you. Here is “Autumn tango”, a story about two lovers under the rain in a forest, hidden by beautiful maple trees.


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